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Welcome to Moro Design Studio

where creativity knows no bounds

a platform for artistic expression showcasing photography, fashion, and exclusive products.

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is an element of Moro Design Studio's visual art projects, embodying creativity and enjoyment in every shoot.

Stemming from fashion and product design, photography is a key part of our creative ecosystem, uniting our various creative pursuits.


  • Professional model shoots
  • Dynamic social media content
  • Creative conceptual photography projects


At Moro Design Studio, we are the hub of a wide range of visual art projects.

Our dynamic project - LEISURE FIT MODELS
is the driving force behind all our endeavors, from exciting showcases to fashion events and the development of tailored growth paths for our models.

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The Unifying Power of Fashion

Lena Moro is the founder and creative director of Moro Design Studio, with a background in fashion and event management. She uses her connections in the American and Ukrainian fashion industry to support her home country. Lena collaborates with designers and artists to find new opportunities for Ukrainian artists, fashion designers, and manufacturers.


Championing Unique Potential
We deeply believe in the infinite potential that lies latent in every individual, holding the capability to bloom brilliantly when discovered.

Our Mission
Fashion is our language, art our script, and together, they form the magical thread with which we weave dreams into existence.


Experience the Fusion of Art and Fashion with our Unique Prints on Athleisure Clothing

Immerse yourself in


Experience the Fusion of Art and Fashion with our Unique Prints on Athleisure Clothing

MORO DESIGN STUDIO: list of collections

We take great pride in featuring merchandise meticulously handcrafted by the renowned artisans at Moro Design Studio. Our extensive assortment of products not only offers a diverse range of choices, but also serves as a catalyst for potential collaborations in design development and manufacturing. Working alongside fundraising event managers, we happily supply our merchandise for their fashion shows and offer assistance with their merchandising efforts. If you have any questions or proposals, please don't hesitate to get in touch: contact us